What Is Sampling Rate?

The Sampling Rate is metadata information you usually find in both video and audio files. In both instances, is is used for the audio data of the file.

The Sampling Rate plays a big role in recording sounds for telecommunication, music and more. It denotes the number of samples per second inside a sound or audio stream. The Sampling Rate is responsible for the representation or the actual sound. The higher the Sampling Rate, the more accurate the digital representation of the recording is compared to the source of the audio.

The human ear is able to perceive sounds with a Sampling Rate of about 20000 Hz or 20 kHz. Yet, many recordings, for produced CDs or movies as well as captured by most microphones, ranges between 44100 and 192000 Hz. The typically used Sample Rates are:

  • 44100 Hz or 44.1 kHz
  • 48000 Hz or 48 kHz
  • 88200 Hz or 88.2 kHz
  • 96000 Hz or 96 kHz
  • 19200 Hz or 192 kHz